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日本に来て1日目!初めて食べる日本食に感動が止まらない Foreigners can't stop being impressed by the Japanese food - reaction
初来日!初めて日本食を食べて驚きが止まらない I can't stop being surprised when I eat Japanese food for the first time!
【旨すぎかよ!】外国人初めての日本食![It's too delicious! ] Foreigner's first Japanese food! - reaction video
初来日!絶品とんかつ!初めての日本食にワクワクが止まらない!First visit to Japan! Excellent tonkatsu! - reaction video
日本大好き留学生が初めて海鮮居酒屋へ行ってみた International students went to a seafood izakaya for the first time-reaction
人生初すき焼きに驚いた外国人『米沢牛は世界最高』海外の反応Foreigners are surprised by Sukiyaki for the first time -reaction video
外国人が日本の餃子に大感激!A foreigner is very impressed with Japanese dumplings! - reaction video
WBC海外記者に日本のフルーツサンドイッチがバレる!【日本食】WBC overseas reporters find out about Japanese fruit sandwiches!
Gorgeous yet delicate, a foreigner's first experience of Japanese food!